Saturday, July 31


The following is a quote on the landing page at :

"I testify that when we do all we can to accomplish the work that is before us, the Lord will make available to us the sacred key needed to unlock the treasure which we so much seek."
-President Thomas S. Monson

At the High Priest Group's "Redeem the Dead" Committee Meeting, held in July, Roger Foulk said that he would try to do 100 names. He told me later that he wondered how in the world he was going to accomplish it. Shortly after making the commitment, he was told by his daughter that a distant relative was visiting the area from Australia and had done lots of research on the Lewis family line. Roger, his brother, and his mother visited with the their distant relative; guess what, they were given over 700 new family names.

Trust in the words of the Prophets...the Lord will do the rest.

Today I am sending an email out to ward members to announce this Blog. Feel free to give the address to other Nevada City Ward members. The more the merrier.

Sunday, July 25


Welcome to the Nevada City Ward Family History blog!

Both Sister Farnsworth and Brother Dahle gave great talks in Sacrament Meeting today. I love the concept of "Genealogy by Accident", I've been practicing it for years. Thank you Sister Farnsworth, I feel much better. As mentioned by Brother Dahle, the ward's goal is to have 2500 names temple ready by 31 Dec, 2010. We haven't officially started yet and we already have over 120 names on our list to get Temple Ready. It is exciting to be part of this ward!

There are three committees that are available to assist you in this project. Feel free to give them a call:
Please note there are permanent links across the top to these three committees. They will be there until this project is complete.