Sunday, 11 July 2010, Waskish, Minnesota
We got up in the morning and went to church at the "Big Bog Ecumenical Service" which was held in the park. There were about 100 in attendance if you don't count the mosquitoes (maybe 2,500 counting them). With 20-30 Olsons included there was a real family feeling. The Lutheran Minister read a scripture and discussed it- I can't remember it now, but at the time I thought "Great Scripture!", it would seem that a Lutheran Minister has no more effect on me than do our High Counselors. The Baptist congregation was responsible for the sermon. They currently have no minister, so one of the members gave a wonderful sermon on Challenges. It was on target for our times and taught correct principals. The congregation was well fed, as were the mosquitoes. I have to say that the highlight of the meeting was the Ecumenical Five singing numerous old-time gospel songs. David Leonhardt played "I come to the Garden" on the saw (yes, the tool). There was not a dry eye in the congregation.

We went to Uncle Peter's house after-wards for lunch. It was a family potluck and there must have been 50 people there. Holiday started asking questions about her grandparents and others. We were regaled with many stories that Sunday. As the meal wound down we needed to find something to do that was in harmony with the sabbath. Many of the cousins were either going swimming, fishing, or boating. I asked Uncle Peter where the cemetery was in Kelliher (about 30 min away), and Peter replied that we should go see Ole Admunson's (Holiday's great- grandfather) grave in Shotley- but we would need a four wheel drive. He would be happy to drive us. As it turned out, the grave-site was on an old, abandoned road many miles into a swampy area. Her grandfather John Olson and uncle John Olson had made the headstone. John was a little boy when this happened but remembers that "birth" and "death" were in Swedish. It is a very nice headstone made of actual rock with one surface plastered for the name and dates.

Before the day was over we were able to enjoy many stories about the family including one about a great uncle who had drown returning to Waskish with the mail. We got to see the actual creek and hear all about his drinking problem. We also visited the Kelliher cemetery and took photos of many headstones. It was a special day. You should know that because of all the stories we were able to identify several more names to take to the temple.
When you have the opportunity to ask, take it!!
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